Are you looking for an event that provides a deeply rich and engaging experience for your team? Are you aware that there are millions of kids around the world that don't have access to safe & reliable lighting? Our Hour of Power+ program endeavours to create an event that accomplishes the former by helping solve the latter.
Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, this engaging 90 minute hands-on program includes a team challenge, a compelling presentation on light poverty, assembly of a solar light by each participant, and a letter writing activity that connects them with the child that will receive that newly built light.
At the end of a session, the solar lights are returned to our provider SolarBuddy for quality assurance before embarking on the journey to children living in energy poverty.
Available for the first time in Canada!

Families have an 80% reduction in kerosene expenditures per annum!

Creates over 7,300 additional study hours!

Impacts the lives of 5 people living in energy poverty!

Equivalent of planting 21.3 trees!

The financial equivalent of 16 weeks of work